
    0,05 $ 0,05 $ 0.05 CAD

    0,05 $

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    【CHANNELS ENTERED】Heart,Kidney,Spleen
    Tonifies the Spleen and astringes diarrhea;
    Tonifies the Spleen and astringes diarrhea;
    Nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit
    Spleen Deficiency with chronic diarrhea and loss of appetite;
    Premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea due to unstable Deficient Kidneys;
    Excessive uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge
    Palpitations with anxiety and irritability associated with Deficiency and insomnia;
    Especially useful for Lack of Communication Between the Heart and Kidneys (Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency)
    【Cautions& Contraindications】
    Contraindicated for those with abdominal distention or constipation.