According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, perspiration is transformed by yang qi evaporating body fluids in order to cool down the body. It emerges out of the body through the sweat pores. Excessive sweating occurs when the production of perspiration beyond what is necessary to cool down the body.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) excessive sweating can have many causes. Sweating occurs as a result of internal heat (too much heat in the body), a deficiency of energy failing to contain body fluid, or an internal injury/weakness. A differentiation is made between spontaneous sweating and night sweating. Spontaneous sweating, which is a tendency to sweat in the daytime with no obvious cause, is due to a yang qi-energy deficiency, whereas night sweating, which is sweating at night that ceases upon waking, is most commonly associated with a yin deficiency. There are many areas a person can perspire from, and understanding the nature and location of the sweating can provide more diagnostic details in understanding the cause. Determining this underlying cause is what gives acupuncture its effectiveness in treating conditions and providing relief of symptoms.